COVID-19, also called as Corona virus. Huge headache to the world population and economy. As we see from December 2019 onwards whole world was facing the Corona crisis. It is in the Headlines since 6 months and because of it markets gone low, sports events gone postponed, schools and colleges gone closed for more than 4 months in India. Its a high time to be prepared against this ugly virus to be safe in upcoming days. 

So, for the Pickle ball Players, how will COVID-19 affect in Pickle ball play ? 

Now a days, Pickle ball Players started playing Pickle ball on the available courts in their society or in their respective area. In this case, we have to take some preventive measures before, during and after play of Pickle ball to be safe.

As we know, Corona virus affects the elderly population more strongly and many Pickle ball players belong to that population in India as well as  all over the world. As a result, to protect our fellow players, they must be aware of the personal health and hygiene. All have to act sensible, proactive and careful as well.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at-least 20 seconds or carry sanitizer along with yourself and apply it especially after coughing, sneezing, before eating or touching your face.
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes with unwashed hands although carry a mask while wondering on courts.
  • Keep away from people those are feeling unwell.
  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief  while coughing and sneezing.
  • Avoid touching any surfaces in public places.
  • If everyone can carry their owned balls on court for play will be the best thing. It will minimize the contact hand to hand.
  • Carry plenty of water with yourself to be hydrated during play
  • Sanitize the ball, paddle and your hands repeatedly after a match. Do not use mobile phones during play because then you have to sanitize them as well.
  • Maintain social distancing on court.
  • Avoid all the Non-essential travel if you can.
  • Carry minimum gadgets to court that can minimize the spread.
  • Stay Safe and up to date with the latest information of Corona virus, as the circumstances will be changing on daily basis.
  •   Keep your Immune System Strong by drinking warm water, taking vitamin C, having proper sleep, drinking healthy homemade drinks, working out at-least 30 mins a day.

Let's each and everyone do our part to prevent the illness and the Corona virus impacting our Pickle  ball community.



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